Nursing Sector Services
Nursing Services
Welcome to our array of services for nurses and nursing students!
Previously known as Health Insight HQ where we provide insight and empowerment whilst inspiring new students and grads!

Lecturer in your Pocket
Ever wished you could ask your lecturer some questions whilst your at home staring at a blank screen?
This service gives you an experienced lecturer contactable via messenger. Ask questions about your assignments, placement, general nursing and everything in between. Email [email protected] to discuss further
TAE Mentor
Wanting to complete the Cert IV Training & Assessment course but finding it difficult or needing a Mentor. Access an experienced Lecturer to help guide and unravel the VET Sector.
Email [email protected] to discuss further

Supervision Sessions
Supervision sessions for health industry workers who are working independently. Sessions are used to debrief, reflect and work through tough cases. Please email [email protected] to get further information